Resources & Recommendations #13

Tuesday, 1 October 2024. Newsletter 13.

to listen

The Lives of Stonehenge: Wordsworth and Blake

For the third episode in her short series on Stonehenge, Rosemary Hill is joined by Seamus Perry to experience the stone circle through the mind and eyes of a Romantic, with the likes of Wordsworth, Blake, Turner and Constable. For these poets and artists, Salisbury Plain took on a gloomy and richly psychological presence, lit with intense personal and political drama, and animated with revolutionary thoughts.

to watch

Cézanne and Pissarro: ‘Fake or Fortune?’

Fiona Bruce and Philip Mould head to France on the trail of two of the greatest Impressionist and post-Impressionist artists, Camille Pissarro and his friend and protege, Paul Cézanne.

to read

‘Framing the Drawing’, Catherine Monbeig Goguel. ‘The Frame Blog’

Catherine Monbeig Goguel charts the various historical approaches to preserving, displaying and framing drawings. From the albums and portfolios of the 15th century to the ‘framed’ collages of Giorgio Vasari’s Il Libro dei disegni in the 16th and the eventual framing of drawings as paintings in the 17th and 18th centuries.


Drawing of the Month #13


Demystifying Drawings #13